Herd Mentality for Light-workers

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The trap of herd mentality.

Be very very wary of those who tell you we are one soul, while violating your personal sovereignty. Just because we are one soul, does NOT mean that healthy boundaries and personal uniqueness are not most vital on your journey.

A lot of false light constructs are used to bleed into boundaries that shoul never be infringed upon.

The true spiritual journey is to fully embrace your uniqueness . NOT to condense yourself into herd mentality of a bunch of robotic programmed beings, (lightworkers included).

Many are using pseudo spiritual terms to keep you on a false loop. Spiritual laws promise and secure your right to your own thoughts, things, works, items, wisdom, uniqueness, and gifts (sovereignty). All while simultaneously working in unity consciousness to honor others beauty and uniqueness and to join in collective gatherings and collective love for one another.

The moment you bleed 🩸 into another’s boundaries you have broken the law. Period! Being brothers and sisters is not a justification for stealing others work, violating their boundaries, copy catting their works and language, and being a follower as opposed to one who is capable of original thought.

Mind thy manners …. And more importantly mind thy ENERGY.

Enlightenment Coach

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